Fundacja RE-Source Poland Hub to polska platforma współpracy odbiorców i producentów energii z OZE.
Celem Fundacji jest umożliwienie przedsiębiorstwom w Polsce budowania przewag konkurencyjnych w oparciu o tanią i czystą energię ze źródeł odnawialnych. Fundacja podejmuje działania zmierzające do stworzenia otoczenia regulacyjnego sprzyjającego pozyskiwaniu czystej, zielonej energii przez przedsiębiorstwa, na przykład w formie cPPAs.
Fundacja powstała w lipcu 2019 roku, z inicjatywy Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Energetyki Wiatrowej, aby wspierać transformację energetyczną w Polsce. RE-Source Poland Hub działa w ścisłej współpracy z RE-Source Platform.
Attend the annual RE-Source Poland Hub conference. This year, the event will be held in a new location and you may expect a completely new formula.
We are moving to Katowice to the International Congress Center. Why Katowice? Silesia is the most industrialized region in Poland with huge business and investment potential. Polish industry needs energy from renewable energy sources and renewable energy producers want to cooperate with enterprises that already use or intend to use green energy.
Let’s meet in Katowice on April 24-25, 2024 and talk about how Polish business can benefit from renewable energy. During the conference, we want Katowice to become a platform for cooperation and exchange of ideas regarding the directions of using green energy by Polish and foreign companies. Do you represent the firm being energy consumer? Register and take part in this unique event for free. Share your experience, learn about the latest trends in the renewable energy industry and establish prospective business contacts during networking and B2B meetings.
As an energy consumer, you will have the opportunity to take part in free workshops explaining how to choose an appropriate business model for contracting green energy, taking into account the consumption profile of your company. In this regard, willing entrepreneurs will be able to obtain a free analysis tailored to the needs of represented company.
As in the past years also, all attendees of coming conference can count on a large dose of substantive knowledge in the field of corporate power purchase agreements and the Polish renewable energy sector, presented in the form of expert panels and practical workshops. This year we are changing the conference formula and you may expect topics related to ESG, direct line, greening the supply chain, EU law, financing renewable energy projects, decarbonization of industry, circular economy and many others.
Moreover, as part of RE-Source Poland 2024 Conference, we want to focus on the reconstruction process in Ukraine and discuss how the Polish RES sector may become a driver of this process. We will also analyze an investment opportunities in the Czech and Slovak markets. We will also organize workshops dedicated to local government units explaining how they may conclude cPPA agreements.
As in previous editions, this time you may expect a friendly atmosphere, direct contact with experts from the private sector, government institutions and local government authorities, as well as the opportunity to establish business relationships with Polish and foreign companies. Moreover, this year we will surprise you with an evening event that will take place in a unique place emphasizing the character of Silesia.
You can’t miss this event! Register now!
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